Join us in building brighter futures!
Donating to Goodwill inspires hope and provides life-transforming opportunities to the people we serve in Delaware and Delaware County, PA. Your monetary donations go towards our Ted Van Name Scholarship Fund and Workforce Development Programs, which provide many benefits such as job training programs and employment placement services to people with disabilities, those who lack education or job experience, justice system involvement, seniors, youth, and others facing challenges to finding employment.
If you itemize deductions on your federal tax return, you are entitled to claim a charitable deduction for your donations to Goodwill, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
If you donate financially to Goodwill, keep a copy of the acknowledgment letter from Goodwill for tax purposes.
Donation Details
Legal Name: Goodwill Industries of Delaware & Delaware County, Inc.
Address: 300 E. Lea Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802
Federal Tax ID Number: 51-0064311
Market values are based on items in good condition and may vary from one region to another. Consult a local tax advisor who is familiar with market values in your region and keep the donation receipt(s) that is available at the time of your donation.
As a convenience to our donors, we have identified the following tax guides available from the Internal Revenue Service and other organizations that may assist you in valuing your donations for tax purposes. Goodwill endorses neither accuracy nor appropriateness of the valuations listed. Please consult with your tax advisor for actual deductibility of your donation.
Determining the Fair Value of Property: Defines “fair market value” and helps donors and appraisers determine the value of property given to qualified organizations (Publication 561).
Valuation Guide for Charitable Contributions
Noncash Charitable Contributions: Applies to deduction claims totaling more than $500 for all contributed items (Form 8283).
Charitable Contributions: Explains which organizations are qualified to receive deductible charitable contributions, the types of contributions you can deduct, how much you can deduct, what records to keep and how to report charitable contributions (Publication 526).
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